Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Grand Opening of the Public Interactive Water Feature

The Grand Opening of the Public Interactive Water Feature Installation, took place on Friday July 20th 2012, from 12 noon til 3.00pm. (which included a finger buffet, hot & cold drinks.

Representatives from the local newspapers included: The Nuneaton News, The Telegraph and The Evening News, Karren Barrows of the North Talk Magazine and representative for the Arden Trail, (part of the Quarry-mans walk.) Karren told me that the instllation was going to be featured and printed in the tourist information booklet that accompanys the Arden Trail, Quarry-Mans walk'.

 The Lady Mayoress of Nuneaton & Warwickshire 'Lorna Diverik'attended and gave a speach, which I have included at the bottom of this post. The Mayoress was very impressed and is concerned in Recycling, Reclamation and Conservation issues herself, and told me that I had incorporated and interacted well with the audience, bring to their attention the importance of conserving the Earth's Natural Reasources etc.

 There were approx 60 pepole turned up throughout the day and a couple of walkers got involved with trying out the bike and hand pump, which they found 'interesting and fun', The responsess and comments have been posative and encouraging.  All in all a good day was had by all, and the added bonus was the weather kept  fine & sunny.

Portfolio's and children's gift bags (containg a childs yellow hard hat, a construction toy and a few sweets were given out) at the end of the opening.

Thursday 12 July 2012



Overall I have found the last year both exciting and a struggle, yet I managed to achieve quite a lot.  I found new ways of thinking and expanding on new ideas by working at a local quarry site where I have installed a public interactive water feature.  This is a Land/Earth Art sculpture.  It incorporates some natural waste materials and objects from around the quarry site as well as from local shops and waste recycling dumps.

The installation has been commissioned by Mike Gale, Operations Manager, Tarmac, Atherstone.  A pedal cycle and a hand pump have been used to lift the water up and over the installation and back to its source; a dug out pond hole filled with rain water.

Having broadened my horizons, I was able to expand my ‘Inside Out, Outside In’ project to include the whole aspect of land/earth art and what it represents to the individual artist.  My personal journey has enabled me to discover and understand the connection between the artist and his work with nature, having been introduced into the landscape without damaging the environmental habitat.

My research involved visiting such web sites as www.guggenheimcollection.org to research Land/Earth artists such as Robert Smithson, Nancy Holt, Michael Heizer, and Giuseppe Pennone.  I have visited libraries in Nuneaton, Atherstone, Birmingham City and NWHC.  I have also visited the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, and the Tate, London.

Unfortunately, because of illness and my disabilities, I have been unable to complete by the end of term, the xylophone, which was to accompany the installation as a bit of fun for the public to make their own kind of rock music.

Critical evaluation

Athena Xoufarides level 6F/T BA/Hons Visual Arts by Negotiated Study

                                                         Critical evaluation.

Overall I found the last year both exciting and a struggle, yet managed to achieve quite a lot. I found new ways of thinking and expanding on new ideas by working at a local ‘quarry site,’ I have installed a Public interactive water feature, (as a Land/Earth Art sculpture,) incorporating the use of some natural waste materials and objects, from around the quarry site, local shops, waste and recyclable dumps etc. This is a commissioned piece authorized by Mike Gale Operations Manager ‘Tarmac’ Atherstone. The use of a pedal powered bicycle and a Hand pump (suggesting recycling) have been used, Lifting the water up and over the installation and back to its source, (a dug out ‘pond hole’ filled with rain water).
I have also completed a children’s coloring in cartoon booklet to be included in a portfolio, which includes a 3-5min DVD documentary recording about the quarry and how it relates to the water feature installation, and a selection of postcard sized prints taken from various photographs from around the working quarry site and the installation. This will be put into a presentation portfolio to be given as raffle prizes (as a form of advertising) and as personal presentations for the various VIP’s that attended the Grand Opening of the Installation, which will take place on Friday 10th July 2012, 12pm – 3pm to be opened by the lord Mayoress of Warwickshire, plus the representatives from the newspapers and local T.V. will also be attending, there will be refreshments and hot and cold beverages.
 Having broadened my horizons I was able to expand on my ‘Inside out, ‘Outside In’ project,’ as the whole aspect of land/earth art, and what it represents with the individual artist, and with my own personal journey to discover and understand the connection between the artist and their work with nature, which they have introduced upon the landscape without damaging the environmental habitation. My research involved looking on the internet web sites e.g. www.guggenheimcollection.org to research Land/Earth artists, such like Robert Smithson, Michael Heizer, Walter de Mario, Giuseppe Pennone, and Nancy Holt .I have visited libraries, (Nuneaton, Atherstone, Birmingham City and NWHC) also visited the Icon Museum Birmingham, The Tate London. (Off which have all inspired to my own individual practice/specialist work involving Land/Earth Art.)  Unfortunately due to illness (through my disabilities) I have been unable to achieve some of the things that I intended to complete by the end of term for example, I was unable to complete the comparisons of the quarry sites, unfortunately the manager of one of the sites was unable to spare me the time and accesses for me to carry out some investigative experiments involving the taking of soil samples, so that I could compare the soils of both sites, one being used for Domestic Landfill Waste and is no longer a working quarry site, the other is a working site and uses only Natural Landfill Waste, The management of the working site have developed new ways of dealing with many of the controversial issues regarding; recycling, reclamation and conservation, and have rejuvenated much of the old landfill sites and transformed them into natural environmental habitats to encourage wild life/nature to return and grow on the old/new landfill sites. (A rare Blue Butterfly has made a welcome return and is now breeding on the vegetation on the natural landfill sites)
 I found doing the Blog site very stressful and needed extra time and help to achieve the required Blog.
I have had to request for a deferral of exam dates (from 31/5/12 – 13/7/12, due to being taken into hospital as my back pain developed into severe pain spasms, which put me behind with completing any outstanding work needed for the original assessment date of 31/5/12, which included the designing and making of a xylophone incorporating materials & objects found around the site, includes various sized rock pieces for sounds and recycled wood’ for the frame. Which I unfortunately did not complete as I ran out of time due to going into hospital and having to defer my exam date.

Conformation letter of commision to do a Public Interactive Water Feature

Recepts for printing costs, gear sprocket and stationry including ink and printing costs

 These are some of the costs incurred for my project 'Inside Out' 'Outside In'

                                                            Artist’s Statement.

My interests are working with mixed media and textiles, specialising in Land/Earth Art. Some of my installations are on the theme of recycling, conservation and reclamation, incorporating alternative energy sources, Public interaction is possible as  my artwork and the landscape are inextricably interlinked, consisting of natural resourced materials and certain man-made items which are made into sculptures.  My work poses the question, ‘Where does my artwork fit within the boundaries of the land/earth art movement?’ (A distinction is sometimes made between artwork that’s been placed upon the land and artwork using the land itself, thus becoming part of the landscape.  The former is termed ‘Land Art’ and the latter ‘Earth Art’.)

I have been commissioned by Mike Gale, Zone Manager for Tarmac, Mancetter Quarry, Atherstone, Warwickshire, to install a Public Interactive Water Feature on a natural landfill site called the Jubilee Site.
I have called the installation ‘Inside Out, Outside In’, as it uses alternative power in the form of a hand pump, or bicycle pedal power, to create the energy needed to circulate water up and over the installation and back to its source, the pond, thus implying recycling. It has been suggested that the Installation is a kinetic sculptor, as it depends upon kinetic energy for the water circulation.  The power to do this is ‘green’ as it is generated by hand, or foot, pump.

There is a portfolio relating to this installation, which includes a children’s cartoon colouring-in booklet as well as a DVD about a working quarry and how it interacts with the installation.  Also included in the portfolio are quarry and installation images.



My name is Athena Xoufarides. I am in my final year of the BA (Hons) in Visual Arts by Negotiated Study at Birmingham Institute of Art & Design (Bournville) in Birmingham.

My main focus of this final year has been the creation of a public interactive water feature.

The thinking behind this project derives from my personal interest and observations into man’s effect upon the landscape, which is constantly being changed through mining, excavation and world-wide land clearance.  This present work refers particularly to the way in which quarries and landfill sites effect the natural environment. I became especially interested in what happens to the waste that has been generated by mankind’s and society’s needs for the earth’s natural resources.
Man has plundered the earth with dramatic consequences for the natural environment, the creatures living in it and their habitat.  A lot of what is taken from the earth is thrown away after use and goes into landfill.
Recently, the reclaiming of recyclable materials such as certain plastics, as well as valuable commodities such as tin, which become harder to find as we deplete the world’s natural resources.  This shortage has even led to the re-opening of some of the old landfill sites to reclaim what was once considered waste.

Thus what comes out of the ground goes back into it.  Hence my project title, ‘Inside Out, Outside In’, reflects this cyclical arrangement. The recycling of the water on my installation emphasises this point and addresses the themes of Recycling, Reclamation and Conservation.  These are important considerations for Tarmac Quarry, as they have to deal with landfill of their own natural waste, only degradable materials from construction sites are allowed.  No domestic waste is allowed into the landfill so that the environmental habitat of the local wild life is protected. Hence the installation is situated on the Jubilee site which is a natural landfill.  Tarmac also recycles the water by adding various natural chemicals to de-acidify the water to enable it to be used for washing the machinery and damping which keeps the dust down when dry and windy.  Dust funnels would make for hazardous working conditions and safety is a major factor.

Conservation of the landfill sites by restoring them to nature to encourage wild life to return.  The rare blue butterfly, for example, has returned to the restored sites.  This butterfly cannot be found on or near domestic landfill sites, which proves that Tarmac have got the conditions right for the return of rare breeds of animals and plants.  They also mark out walkways for the public to enjoy the scenery without spoiling the environment.

After discussions with Mike Gale, the Zone Manager of ‘Tarmac’ Quarry, Mancetter, Atherstone, it was decided that I create a water feature at a local quarry’s natural landfill site. I have been commissioned by Tarmac, who have agreed to supply and pay for most of the materials and printing costs, as well as the accompanying designed board.  Mike wants the Installation to become part of the Quarryman’s Walk, which will be associated with the North Arden Heritage trail. 

The water feature, which I am presenting, makes use of materials and objects such as plastic, tin, metal, wood and an abandoned shopping trolley. The installation is interactive, allowing the public to participate by using a hand pump, or a pedal cycle to pump the water around the feature.  Thus the public have the opportunity not only to see recycling in progress, but also to take an active part in that recycling process. 
Through my research talking to various members of the public, I have been led to believe that many people are aware of the need for conservation and recycling and they have been supportive of my water feature idea. 

The overall result was that most people spoken to understood what my installation is about and that it would help to convey the message regarding recycling, reclamation, conservation and preservation. Not all people are convinced of the danger we ourselves have created by plundering our resources and endangering our environment.  It is particularly to those people that our efforts have to be addressed. In a way the installation has an ecological conscience.

Through experimenting with various mediums and textiles to decide on what materials would be suitable for the installation, I made various 3D models, which proved to be unsuitable for the installation.  The results can be seen on my blog.

For the Public Interactive Water Feature, I decided to use and incorporate boulders from the quarry to represent mining and excavation of the earth’s raw materials, for example, coal, gas, and various aggregates used for construction and road surfacing.  I also chose wooden logs to represent the destruction of rain forests and land clearance, metal items representing the extraction of oil, tin, copper, minerals, gems and plastic representing man-made items. The shopping trolley represents consumerism, as everything mankind uses or eats comes from within the earth in one form or another.  As a result, by-products of human productivity means ‘WASTE’  which gets returned to the earth via either domestic, industrial or natural landfill sites. A hand pump and a converted bicycle that was adapted to take a water pump were used.  These represent alternative energy and recycling.  The public have to interact with the installation by using either the hand pump or bicycle, thus generating the power to lift the water up and around the feature back to its source, the ‘pond’, thereby suggesting recycling.

Through my work on these features, that allow public participation, I hope to capture the interest and imagination of the general public in the topic of recycling and its effect upon the landscape.  Hopefully, they will be drawn to the feature because of the fact that it is interactive.  By personally becoming part of the water recycling process, individuals will, hopefully, begin to think more deeply about the importance of recycling as well as the effect they themselves are having upon the environment.   

My installation exists and becomes part of the landscape, as the natural materials used coninsist with the enviroment, and becomes one in itself. It only becomes noticable when viewed by the public close up. 

There is a noticeboard erected at the site, with information and pictures of the Water Feature Installation, explaining the relationship to the working quarry.

In conclusion, this work is my attempt to engage the public in a topic that is vital to us all.  This project is a very small step along the way towards the enlightenment of those not yet convinced of the dangers we all face if we don’t start to take the environmental needs of the Earth’s Natural Resources seriously.

The earth’s resources are not infinite and so it is of the utmost importance to conserve energy and resources as well as recycling whenever possible.  Added to this is, of course, the fact that the environment and eco systems must have the chance to recoup and develop if the planet is to survive at all.

There is a short documentary DVD about the working quarry site and its relationship with the installation. This is to be presented in a presentation portfolio along with a children’s cartoon colouring in booklet regarding the working site, recycling, reclamation and conservation and the way in which they interact with the Water Feature Installation itself.

The timeline sets out the stages whereby the project progressed and was completed. (See my Blog for details.)  The anticipated opening of the feature to the public will be on Friday 10th July 2012, 12pm – 3pm; with raffle prizes of 25 portfolios’ and 6 x A3 sized framed images from the quarry site and the installation.  There will also be a buffet with hot and cold drinks.  The event will be opened by the lord Mayoress of Warwickshire, with members from the media, news reporters and local T.V. stations attending.

During my research I have looked at various websites such as ‘Sustrans’ and ‘Ixia’ to gather relevant information on the topic of land and waste reclamation in art, and from such books as ‘Contemporary Art: from studio to situation’, edited by Claire Doherty,
‘A Landscape for Modern Sculpture’ and ‘Earthworks and Beyond’ by John Beardsley,
‘Land Art’, edited by Allison Sultzman, ‘Fountains, Splash and Spectacle, Water and design from the ‘Renaissances to the Present’, edited by Marilyn Symmes, ‘The Furnished Landscape’, edited by Jane Heath and ‘Sculpture Parks in Europe’, edited Valerie Aaras & Ravi Risspa.

I also looked at Land/Earth Art, which emerged in America in the 1970’s, influencing such artists as Robert Smithson’s 1970 ‘Spiral Jetty,’ Great Salt Lake, Utah, who constructed the spiral out of earth, rock and algae. The water level influences how much of the work is visible at any given time. I like the way in which he incorporates the excavated earth and natural materials in his constructions, Nancy Holt’s 1974 ‘Sun Tunnels’, Great Salt Lake, Utah,  is an arrangement of four 18ft long and 9 feet in diameter concrete tubes, or tunnels, in an X formation with some distance between each one. They are aligned with the sun on the summer and winter solstices: the various sized drilled holes made some interesting shapes and shadows, casting stars made of the sunlight along the interior, which reawakens the viewer to the surrounding landscape and the cosmos. I particularly like the way Nancy Holt works, as she conveys an interest in land reclamation, recycling and conservation, Taking useless and abandoned areas of waste land and transforming them into usable public spaces, she combines her art work to include public interaction, taking into account the environmental habitats of the local wild-life.

These artists’ works inspired my project ‘Inside Out’, ‘Outside In’, for the Public Interactive Water Feature.

12 cartoon sketches for childrens colouing in booklet

QUARRY-MAN JOE showing an example of how recycling, reclamation and conservation works from:

(1a) Landscape before quarry blasting

(2b)    A Quarry Blast

(3c) The Removal of quarryed rocks

(4d) The crushing of Rocks into various sized aggregate ready for the customer
(5e)   Sketch showing consumerisum and road surfacing 

(6f)  Images showing Landfill and reclamation (the removal of recycable materials)

(7g)        Relandscaped area of a natural landfill site

(8h)       Re-excavation of a landfill site  (removal of earth)

(9i)      Image showing the dug-out pond on a reclaimed site ready for the installation

(10j)          Installing the Water Feature, using recycled materials

(11k)     Image showing Water Feature with recycable items representative to this project

(12)                  Completed Installation of the Public InteractiveWater Feature showing the bike and hand pump

Thursday 5 July 2012

Time Line for instilation of water feature

Athena Xoufarides    level 6 F/T                                                                                   Negotiated Practice                                      
I have been commissioned by Mike Gale, Zone Manager, at Mancetter Quarry, Atherstone, Warwickshire, in association with the management of Tarmac, to construct a public interactive water feature Installation, bringing to the public’s attention the importance of recycling, reclamation and conversation, which relates to their efficient way of tattling many issues that arise from extracting  natural materials from the earth, for consumer use, and returning mankind’s wasted objects/ items back into the earth, via domestic and industrial/commercial landfill.  It is Tarmac’s responsibility to use only their own natural waste and from construction sites (as these are degradable and will eventually erode,) leaving a non-toxic environment as the re-landscaped areas are returned back to their formal original habitat, encouraging re-growth and regeneration as the return of a rare species of blue butterfly has made a return to the once excavated landscape.
My Water Feature Installation also relates to the controversial subjects of recycling, reclamation and conservation, by using recyclable materials and some man-made objects, and with the public interacting with the installation, by way of using either a hand pump or to ride a cycle to generate the power required to lift the water up and around the water feature and back to is source the pond, hopefully it will help to illiterate mankind’s way of re-thinking into helping to conserve what natural resources are left, by way of re-using and recycling  the man-made items, which can be made into other consumable goods. As everything we eat/consume alter and use all comes from within the earth in one form or another, and gets returned back to the earth as mankind’s waste into landfill sites, hence the title for this project is called ‘Inside out’, ‘Outside In’
March/April/May 2011
                 (1a)             Research and accessing information from websites, books etc. include looking at Ian Dawson & other such artists also to look at Sustrans and Ixia to gain more information about Land/Earth Art, also on peddle power, and other sources of sustainable energy e.g. solar power, wind power & Kinetic energy.
                (1b)              Arrange meeting with Mike Gale Zone Manager at Tarmac, quarry site, to discuss Ground preparation and ideas for the notice board designs. Date arranged for May 19th 2011 to do first lot of experiments with hand and water pumps.
                              (1c)            Design display board, measurements 4ft in length by 3ft in width, with 3/4x3, A5 sized photographic images, with 3/4x3, text boxes for information relating to project. It will be constructed out of recycled metal, with anti-glare safety plastic glass.  This will be displayed in two parts on the notice board 1st side with information relating to water feature project, the 2nd side information regarding the working quarry and its relationship with recycling, reclamation & conservation, (mentioning the findings of trilobite fossils within the rock core/layers)
    (1d)              Design and make a 3D display model based on the ideas for the water feature installation (using a pond pump to represent the hand and bike pumps)
                              (1e)            Keep an on-going record on progress of project, documenting by way of taking photographic images and video recordings of the failures as well as the positive findings of experiments regarding the adaption and installation of both bike and hand pumps.
                              (1f)                        Email design board to Mike Gale at Tarmac, also arrange next
                                                          Meeting to discuss further plans for the ground preparation to take place
June / July 2011
                 (2a)             Arrangements made for a manual digger driver to help with the ground preparations, by scooping ground out for a pond, for the water feature to be placed.  Record and document the on-going progress of project
                               (2b)           A friend has agreed to help with the modifications to adapt a drill based water pump to fit and work from a bicycle, (Pedal-Power.)
                               (2c)           During a meeting with Mike Gale (July 2011,) it was suggested that I could construct and make a xylophone from recycled materials, found around the quarry site’s, using various sized quarried rocks to form musical tones, and various objects to strike the notes out.
August/September 2011 
     (3a)             Arrangements have been made to install the water feature on site (August 2011) It will require the use of a JCB and a couple of manual workers to help wit5h the installation, with Mike Gale Zone manager over-seeing the project for safety reasons etc.
(3b)              Continue working on 3D model and xylophone ideas, also start to design children’s colouring postcard booklet, to be included in a presentation portfolio, which will include a 3-5min documentary about the quarry and the relationship with regard to recycling, reclamation, and conservation relating with and to the water feature installation.
 (3c)              Connect water feature installation to bicycle and hand pumps. Test that they work properly and fix any problems. (On site if possible) Record and document the findings of each experiment relating to the hand and bike pumps. 
September 2011 – January 2012
(4a)              Continue with developing xylophone and the children’s postcard booklet design’s
(4b)              Start arranging contact letters for the media to inform them of a grand opening (date still to be arranged, after assessments)
(4c)              Bring any outstanding record notes up to-date,
February/May 2012
(5a)              Arrange date to take recording of quarry blast and new photographs of working quarry site.
                            (5b)              Start working on documentary to include in portfolio
(5c)              Complete portfolio, DVD of a quarry blasting rock from the landscape, also the sound recordings from around the working site, postcards and photographs. Including a children’s colouring in postcard booklet.
May/June 2012
                               (6a)           Complete any outstanding work for the finals.
                               (6b)                       Buy portfolio’s and raffle tickets and any other items needed for                                                    exhibition show and finals.
 (6c)              On site assessment of my work, by the University

Story book

story book borad layout for childrens booklet.

The storyboard booklet relates to a working quarry site and the Water feature with reference being made regarding recycling, reclemation and conservation and landfill.
The booklet consists of 12 carton sketches from a quarry blast to the installation. The images had to be put in a flip booklet as the origonal idea for the images to be put onto a folding post-card booklet, unfortunatley this could not be achived as i could not find a local printers that could do this form of booklet,so I decided on the flip booklet form

Childrens cartoon booklet

these are the sketches for the childrens cartoon colouring booklet.

The idea for the children's colouring booklet came about though discussions with Mike gale the Zone Manager of Tarmac Quarry, as he wanted something educational for the children regarding the working quarry and the installation with reference to recycling, reclamation and conservation, bringing to the attention the importance of the above.

The story book has been printed on 12 pages bound in a size A5 plastic flip book, as this is an example of  how  a recycling process works from the quarry though to consumerism, recycling, and the water feature installation. 

Reasearch notes including artists researched and notes on Land/Eart Art

Reasearch notes for pedel power and kenetic energy

Pedal Powered Water Pump

For a while now I've been wanting a human powered alternative to the electric pump I use to move water between rainwater tanks. It just seems silly to use electricity instead of pedal power. So I plotted out this idea and built it to see what happened.
I bought a drill pump based on this really primitive idea and had a quick bash using my battery drill to make sure that it would work at low rpm. It's designed to run at 3000rpm, the batter drill does 500-ish in slow mode and that pumped water. So I started building.
The Plan!
Stage one - a shaft, two self aligning bearings with the pump on one end and a thread to take a bicycle gear on the other.
The first step was getting a friend to drill a 7mm hole for the pump shaft in the end of the 20mm shaft and tap an M6 hole into that, then weld an old bottom bracket shell on the other end.
File a flat onto the pump shaft to make it less likely to slip.
Screw a second hand freewheel onto the BB shell (conveniently they both use the same unusual thread)
Stage two - Modelling the parts (note the random scrap holding the shaft up). Yup, it's built out of junk from my scrap bin.
Much welding, drilling and faffing later and it's test assembly time. Then cut chunks off to get the derailleur installed where it can work.
Note that it's mounted coaxial with the shaft and much as it would be on a bicycle - this is necessary so that shifting works properly. I want gears so that if I guess wrong about the resistance I can always change down and pump more slowly.
Fully assembled and the worst of the sharp edges taken off with the grinder
Bike installed (derailler taken off bike, chain slipped through gap between freewheel and plate)
Note the chain installing slot on the right
And the wrong size stainless steel bolts holding the bike. Off to the bolt shop tomorrow. Also need plumbing parts.
Pumping! As I feared it's ridiculously easy to pedal (I can spin it with my hand) but speed is dismal. Pedalling at 100rpm with a 3.5:1 gear is not really enough. I need to add a 10:1 gear up stage to make it work properly.
But I still managed to put ~80 litres into that tank in 10 minutes pedalling. I could carry buckets up a ladder that fast, but at least it works well enough for me to feel ok spending money improving it.
The next stage is to find a way to get higher gearing. I think I'll weld a step-through bike to the stand and add an extra chain stage to it with another axle behind the seat. That should give me a better range of seat heights than I have now (kids bike... very short) as well as better gearing.
The alternative is to cobble up some kind of recumbent or semi-recumbent seating for it. That will be more comfortable and not a heap bigger because the oriinal plan of just bolting any random bike to it doesn't seem likely to be practical. It's not impossible, it's just that removing the rear derailleur to get the bike in and having the shifter for the derailleur on the wee stand at the back could get annoying. I will try to keep the pump stand bit removable in case people want to use it that way.
Back-of-the-envelope plan for the recumbent option (envelope guaranteed 100% BOC gas bill):
Top left we see my simple all-in-a-line layout with plan view next to it. All perfect except for the pedalling backwards part. Bah!
By flipping the second chainring to the other side pedalling works and it may even be more compact, albeit mildly interesting to align. Again, plan view to the left. I think it'll work. If I can get a 50T or bigger chainring that should give me 4:1, plus the 3.5:1 I already have is about 14:1 overall, so I'll be in the 1500-ish rpm range that I want. If I can scrounge a slightly used racing chainring from http://trisled.com.au/ that would be even better but there's no way I'm buying a new 90T chainring ($$$)

I have researched alliterative forms of energy for the water feature installation, as an example I looked into solar power, wind power, and other power sources which all proved to be to costly to fund for the project.  
I decided on peddle power and hand pump to use to generate the energy required to lift the water form its pond up and around the feature back to its source
I have also looked at kinetic energy as this is yet another form of producing the energy required to lift the water, it has also been suggested that the installation is a type of a kinetic sculpture as it uses alternate forms of energy to produce the power required for the water feature to work.

Below are a selection of images depicting Land/Earth Art, by various Artists who have inspired the way I work incorporating Land/Earth Art with alternative energy sources incorporated into my installations, make them Public interactive.  These images show how one can change the surrounding landscape by either placing on to or by incorporating the earth's natural materials into various constructions and sculptures.

 Nancy Holt 'Sun Tunnels'

 Walter de Mario 'Lightning Fields'

 Michael Heizer 'Double Negative'
 Christo Javacheff 'Flamingo Pink Islands
 Earth Works Wrapped Coastline Christo Javacheff
 Andy Goldsworthy A selection of Land/Earth Art

 My version of a 'Wrapped Boulder' using a heavy duty cotton cloth material to wrap the boulder, as this my interpretation of a ChristoJavacheff's work, Boulders used from Mancetter quarry site, where I have been expereminting with ideas
 Here I used silica to cover the boulder as another textile medium

Land/Earth Art Bournville taken from my own observations


During my research I bought a book by Guiseppe Pennone, which accompioned his exhibition at the Take Gallery, London, which I visited whilst doing research for the installation feature.
Through visiting libaries in Nuneaton, Coventry, Birmingham and London I have looked in various books and photocopied various images as seen above, including photos that I took of my own work ( see wrapped boulder images above) in comparision with Christon Javacheff as an example of land/earth art.