Thursday 5 July 2012

2nd experement of the 3D working modle for the Public interactive water installation

2nd exeprement of 3D working model
(TWO)  Polystyrene cut ito various sizes were taped together using parcel tape, then covered with Plaster bandages, then painted with acrylic paints (to try and reflect the colours from the quarry stone.) An electric pond pump replaced the smaller fish tank pump (which I tried previousley on model one) The pond pump  worked well. Then wooden logs with holes drilled into the top log  where  plastic tubing was inserted to the log at the top and attatched to the pump, then various tins and bottles were attatched and arranged around the model. The pump was then tested, (see movie clip below) The pump worked more effectively and the model looked more natural, as I wanted to capture the essence of the boulders that are to be used in the installation itself. Unfortunatley  the materials used for the construction  of the 3D model didnot achieve the desired effect and didnot quite look right,

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