Thursday 5 July 2012

Time Line for instilation of water feature

Athena Xoufarides    level 6 F/T                                                                                   Negotiated Practice                                      
I have been commissioned by Mike Gale, Zone Manager, at Mancetter Quarry, Atherstone, Warwickshire, in association with the management of Tarmac, to construct a public interactive water feature Installation, bringing to the public’s attention the importance of recycling, reclamation and conversation, which relates to their efficient way of tattling many issues that arise from extracting  natural materials from the earth, for consumer use, and returning mankind’s wasted objects/ items back into the earth, via domestic and industrial/commercial landfill.  It is Tarmac’s responsibility to use only their own natural waste and from construction sites (as these are degradable and will eventually erode,) leaving a non-toxic environment as the re-landscaped areas are returned back to their formal original habitat, encouraging re-growth and regeneration as the return of a rare species of blue butterfly has made a return to the once excavated landscape.
My Water Feature Installation also relates to the controversial subjects of recycling, reclamation and conservation, by using recyclable materials and some man-made objects, and with the public interacting with the installation, by way of using either a hand pump or to ride a cycle to generate the power required to lift the water up and around the water feature and back to is source the pond, hopefully it will help to illiterate mankind’s way of re-thinking into helping to conserve what natural resources are left, by way of re-using and recycling  the man-made items, which can be made into other consumable goods. As everything we eat/consume alter and use all comes from within the earth in one form or another, and gets returned back to the earth as mankind’s waste into landfill sites, hence the title for this project is called ‘Inside out’, ‘Outside In’
March/April/May 2011
                 (1a)             Research and accessing information from websites, books etc. include looking at Ian Dawson & other such artists also to look at Sustrans and Ixia to gain more information about Land/Earth Art, also on peddle power, and other sources of sustainable energy e.g. solar power, wind power & Kinetic energy.
                (1b)              Arrange meeting with Mike Gale Zone Manager at Tarmac, quarry site, to discuss Ground preparation and ideas for the notice board designs. Date arranged for May 19th 2011 to do first lot of experiments with hand and water pumps.
                              (1c)            Design display board, measurements 4ft in length by 3ft in width, with 3/4x3, A5 sized photographic images, with 3/4x3, text boxes for information relating to project. It will be constructed out of recycled metal, with anti-glare safety plastic glass.  This will be displayed in two parts on the notice board 1st side with information relating to water feature project, the 2nd side information regarding the working quarry and its relationship with recycling, reclamation & conservation, (mentioning the findings of trilobite fossils within the rock core/layers)
    (1d)              Design and make a 3D display model based on the ideas for the water feature installation (using a pond pump to represent the hand and bike pumps)
                              (1e)            Keep an on-going record on progress of project, documenting by way of taking photographic images and video recordings of the failures as well as the positive findings of experiments regarding the adaption and installation of both bike and hand pumps.
                              (1f)                        Email design board to Mike Gale at Tarmac, also arrange next
                                                          Meeting to discuss further plans for the ground preparation to take place
June / July 2011
                 (2a)             Arrangements made for a manual digger driver to help with the ground preparations, by scooping ground out for a pond, for the water feature to be placed.  Record and document the on-going progress of project
                               (2b)           A friend has agreed to help with the modifications to adapt a drill based water pump to fit and work from a bicycle, (Pedal-Power.)
                               (2c)           During a meeting with Mike Gale (July 2011,) it was suggested that I could construct and make a xylophone from recycled materials, found around the quarry site’s, using various sized quarried rocks to form musical tones, and various objects to strike the notes out.
August/September 2011 
     (3a)             Arrangements have been made to install the water feature on site (August 2011) It will require the use of a JCB and a couple of manual workers to help wit5h the installation, with Mike Gale Zone manager over-seeing the project for safety reasons etc.
(3b)              Continue working on 3D model and xylophone ideas, also start to design children’s colouring postcard booklet, to be included in a presentation portfolio, which will include a 3-5min documentary about the quarry and the relationship with regard to recycling, reclamation, and conservation relating with and to the water feature installation.
 (3c)              Connect water feature installation to bicycle and hand pumps. Test that they work properly and fix any problems. (On site if possible) Record and document the findings of each experiment relating to the hand and bike pumps. 
September 2011 – January 2012
(4a)              Continue with developing xylophone and the children’s postcard booklet design’s
(4b)              Start arranging contact letters for the media to inform them of a grand opening (date still to be arranged, after assessments)
(4c)              Bring any outstanding record notes up to-date,
February/May 2012
(5a)              Arrange date to take recording of quarry blast and new photographs of working quarry site.
                            (5b)              Start working on documentary to include in portfolio
(5c)              Complete portfolio, DVD of a quarry blasting rock from the landscape, also the sound recordings from around the working site, postcards and photographs. Including a children’s colouring in postcard booklet.
May/June 2012
                               (6a)           Complete any outstanding work for the finals.
                               (6b)                       Buy portfolio’s and raffle tickets and any other items needed for                                                    exhibition show and finals.
 (6c)              On site assessment of my work, by the University

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