Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Grand Opening of the Public Interactive Water Feature

The Grand Opening of the Public Interactive Water Feature Installation, took place on Friday July 20th 2012, from 12 noon til 3.00pm. (which included a finger buffet, hot & cold drinks.

Representatives from the local newspapers included: The Nuneaton News, The Telegraph and The Evening News, Karren Barrows of the North Talk Magazine and representative for the Arden Trail, (part of the Quarry-mans walk.) Karren told me that the instllation was going to be featured and printed in the tourist information booklet that accompanys the Arden Trail, Quarry-Mans walk'.

 The Lady Mayoress of Nuneaton & Warwickshire 'Lorna Diverik'attended and gave a speach, which I have included at the bottom of this post. The Mayoress was very impressed and is concerned in Recycling, Reclamation and Conservation issues herself, and told me that I had incorporated and interacted well with the audience, bring to their attention the importance of conserving the Earth's Natural Reasources etc.

 There were approx 60 pepole turned up throughout the day and a couple of walkers got involved with trying out the bike and hand pump, which they found 'interesting and fun', The responsess and comments have been posative and encouraging.  All in all a good day was had by all, and the added bonus was the weather kept  fine & sunny.

Portfolio's and children's gift bags (containg a childs yellow hard hat, a construction toy and a few sweets were given out) at the end of the opening.

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